Friday, September 23, 2011

Craniopagus Twins

This picture was taken from the following website:
This picture was taken from the following website:
My dad has a rule that we have to watch, and sometimes even listen to, the news. Thus, I get very excited when I can actually relate to something that I hear and/or watch. This week, Yahoo News broke a story about the successful separation of conjoined twin girls from Sudan - Rital and Ritag. This interested me because, for the past year, these girls were craniopagus, meaning they were joined at the head. The story also stated they were using more of one girl's heart. It was simply amazing to me that these girls had shared blood flow in the brain, and yet, doctors were able to separate them successfully. The first picture above shows the girls before their surgery, while the second picture shows the babies after their surgery. I love pediatrics, so this story caught my attention initially, however, I also work with lots of transplant babies, some of whom do not survive. Thus, it is very uplifting to hear about success stores. Overall, this story opened my eyes to how wonderfully God created us. While these twins may have been deemed unfortunate in the past, their separation will serve as one of the biggest success stories in the surgical world due to the kindness of a British charity. The cells, tissues, and even the organs these girls once shared have now been separated in such a way that each of them is able to benefit through the use of their own bodies. God created us so that our bodies can function specifically for our needs -- a truly wonderful thought.

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