Friday, October 14, 2011


This picture was taken from the following website:
As we have mid-terms this week, I thought it would be a good week to do a reflection blog. I enjoy this class a lot. At the beginning of class, I wasn't sure how much I would enjoy it. Now that we are discussing body systems, I am having a lot of fun. It's almost like re-taking College Biology, but with all the details you wanted to have, even though you couldn't really handle them at the time. I guess we had to get through all the basic (i. e. boring) information before we could get to the more complicated (i. e. fun) material. The same experience occurred with the labs. I wasn't sure how much interaction I could handle with microscopes, but it has become fun over the past two months. It's fun to see how long it takes me to focus on a slide, and the process definitely gets easier over time. I wish the labs were more interactive simply because I feel like we still have not bonded as a class. We are all very quiet, and although we sort of know each other now, we still aren't as comfortable as we should be with one another. My favorite thing about this class is that studying comes naturally because of the work that we do in class (with concept maps and discussions) and labs (with all the figures we draw). My least favorite thing is classmate interaction, or lack thereof, but that is definitely something that can be worked on in the future. I just have to take the first step. : )

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