Friday, December 9, 2011


As this is the last week of class, I felt it was appropriate to write a blog reflecting what I learned in this class. Overall, I feel like I have become much more efficient concerning microscope work and I feel confident enough to even help other people. I must also say that I have learned to pay attention to detail. Before this class, when I bought the book, I peeked through and thought all the cells looked the same. Today, I did the exact same thing, but I can now tell the difference between the shape and size of cells. I am also able to recognize cells by their shape and categorize them into different tissue systems. For example, fibroblasts have a teardrop shape and are part of connective tissue, while Purkinje cells are slightly more elongated and belong to cardiovascular tissue. I am surprised by how much I liked this class and how much I have learned. Hopefully, I am able to prove that on the upcoming final. : )

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