Friday, November 4, 2011


Overall, I have come to enjoy Histology class. At the beginning of the class, I have to admit that I was skeptical about the interest I would have doing microscope work for 16 week straight. Now, however, I am at ease using the microscope. It seems like second nature. Even while doing drawings during lab, I feel as though I am more perceptive about the little details (that actually matter in this class). I find myself looking for them, and identifying other layers and structures in lab to help myself remember what they are (i. e. blood vessels or connective tissue) and how they look in different tissues. The hardest part of this class for me are still quizzes and exams. I'm not sure if I freeze up or if I just need more practice identifying specific tissue characteristics. Hopefully, this is something that will be fixed in the near future, especially as the end of the semester is drawing near. The only thing I really feel like I need to work on is talking. Our labs are still extremely quiet, and I just need to step up and make them more fun for everyone. : )

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